Points Calculator: Highly Skilled Professional Visa for Engineers in Japan

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What is the Highly Skilled Professional (HSP) Visa in Japan?

The Highly Skilled Professional Visa for Japan is a specialized visa category designed to attract top-tier foreign professionals in various fields. This visa is part of Japan's strategy to enhance its global competitiveness by inviting talent with advanced skills and expertise. The visa encompasses three primary categories: Advanced Academic Research Activities, Advanced Specialized/Technical Activities, and Advanced Business Management Activities.

Candidates are evaluated based on a points system that considers factors like academic background, professional experience, salary, and age. Those who score sufficiently high are eligible for this visa, which offers several advantages over standard work visas.

This visa is a compelling option for highly skilled professionals seeking to work and potentially settle in Japan, offering a smoother pathway to integrate into the Japanese workforce and society.


Who is eligible for a HSP Visa in Japan?

Eligibility for the Highly Skilled Professional Visa in Japan is determined through a points-based system, focusing on high-level skills, experience, and contributions in specific fields. The key categories include advanced academic research, advanced specialized/technical skills, and advanced business management skills.

To be eligible, applicants must fulfill criteria within these categories and accumulate a required number of points.

Advanced Academic Research Activities

This category is for those engaged in research, research guidance, or education at universities or equivalent institutions. Points are awarded based on academic achievements, research outcomes, salaries, and other relevant factors.

Advanced Specialized/Technical Activities

This includes individuals with specialized skills or knowledge in the natural sciences or humanities. Eligibility criteria include professional experience, educational background, and annual salary.

Advanced Business Management Activities

This is for individuals involved in the management or operation of a business in Japan. Points in this category are based on the applicant's role in the company, business scale, and professional background.

In addition to meeting the point threshold, applicants must have a job offer in Japan in a relevant field and satisfy the standard conditions for a status of residence in Japan, such as having no criminal record. The exact point requirements and conditions vary, so it's crucial for potential applicants to carefully assess their eligibility based on the latest guidelines provided by the Japanese immigration authorities.

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How many points do I need to qualify for an HSP Visa in Japan?

To qualify for the Highly Skilled Professional (HSP) Visa in Japan, the Japanese immigration system requires a minimum points threshold of 70 points to be met for each of the three main categories.

It's important to note that these points are accumulated through various criteria such as academic qualifications, professional experience, annual income, age, and Japanese language proficiency, among others. Additionally, there are certain conditions under which bonus points might be awarded, or the points threshold might be different.

Moreover, Japan occasionally updates its immigration policies and criteria, so it's advisable to check the latest guidelines from the Japanese immigration authorities or consult with an immigration expert for the most current information. This ensures you have the most accurate and up-to-date understanding of the requirements for the HSP Visa.


What is the point criteria for an HSP Visa in Japan?

The point criteria for the Highly Skilled Professional Visa in Japan provide a framework to evaluate applicants based on their skills, experience, and potential contributions to the Japanese economy and society.

This overview gives a high-level understanding of each category.

Academic Background

Points are awarded based on the level of education attained, such as a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree. Higher educational qualifications typically yield more points.

Professional Experience

Work experience in the relevant field is another critical factor. The number of years and the nature of the professional experience can significantly influence the points awarded.

Annual Salary

The expected salary in Japan is a crucial component of the points system. Higher salaries correlate with higher points, reflecting the applicant's skill level and market value.

Achievements and Certifications

Relevant professional achievements, awards, and certifications can add points. This includes patents, publications, or professional qualifications specific to the applicant's field.


Younger applicants generally receive more points, with the idea being that younger professionals can contribute to the Japanese workforce for a longer period.

Japanese Language Proficiency

Proficiency in Japanese is highly valued and is reflected in the points system. Higher language proficiency levels result in more points.

Additional Factors

Depending on the visa category, additional factors such as research achievements, business investment scale, or academic contributions can also influence the total points.

Each category (Advanced Academic Research, Advanced Specialized/Technical Activities, and Advanced Business Management Activities) has its unique points distribution and threshold to qualify. Applicants must meet or exceed the required points threshold for their specific category to be eligible for the Highly Skilled Professional Visa. This system ensures that only highly qualified and skilled professionals can avail of the benefits and opportunities offered by this visa category in Japan.

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What are the benefits of Japan’s Highly Skilled Professional Visa?

The Japan Highly Skilled Professional (HSP) Visa offers numerous benefits, making it an attractive option for skilled foreign professionals. These benefits are designed to facilitate a comfortable and advantageous stay in Japan for the visa holders and their families.

Here's an overview of the key benefits.

Extended Duration of Stay

The HSP Visa typically allows for a longer duration of stay compared to standard work visas. This provides stability and the opportunity for long-term planning for professionals and their families.

Pathway to Permanent Residency

One of the most significant advantages of the HSP Visa is the accelerated pathway to permanent residency. Highly skilled professionals can apply for permanent residency in a shorter time frame than other visa categories, sometimes as quickly as one year after residing in Japan.

Work Authorization for Spouse

Spouses of HSP Visa holders are allowed to work in Japan, a privilege not commonly extended to spouses under other types of work visas. This can be a crucial factor for families considering their overall quality of life in Japan.

Permission to Bring Parents and Domestic Helpers

Under certain conditions, HSP Visa holders can bring their parents to Japan, which is especially beneficial if there is a need for parental care. Additionally, bringing a domestic helper from the home country is also permissible under specific conditions.

Permission for Multiple Activities

HSP Visa holders are generally allowed to engage in multiple professional activities. For example, a researcher might also be able to teach or engage in business activities, offering flexibility and the opportunity to maximize professional potential.

Preferential Processing of Immigration Procedures

The processing of various immigration procedures, like visa renewal and re-entry permits, is often faster for HSP Visa holders, reducing administrative burdens and saving time.

Education and Childcare Support

Some regions in Japan offer support for education and childcare for children of HSP Visa holders, although this can vary depending on the locality.

Access to Local Integration and Support Services

Many local governments provide support services to help HSP Visa holders and their families integrate into Japanese society, including language training and cultural orientation programs.

These benefits are designed to make Japan an inviting and feasible long-term destination for highly skilled international talent. The HSP Visa not only facilitates the professional endeavors of the visa holders but also significantly enhances their living and family conditions, making it a comprehensive package for skilled professionals considering a move to Japan.


What documents do I need for a Japanese Highly Skilled Professional Visa application?

When applying for the Japanese Highly Skilled Professional (HSP) Visa, you will need to compile a comprehensive set of documents to support your application. These documents are crucial to demonstrate your eligibility and qualifications under the HSP visa criteria.

Here's a general list of the documents required.

Valid Passport

A copy of your valid passport, including the photo and personal information page.

Visa Application Form

A completed visa application form, which can be obtained from the Japanese embassy or consulate or downloaded from their website.


A recent passport-sized photograph to be attached to the application form.

Certificate of Eligibility (COE)

This is a key document issued by the Immigration Services Agency of Japan. It verifies that you meet the conditions for the specific visa category. To obtain the COE, you need to submit various documents to the immigration authorities in Japan, often through your employer or a sponsor in Japan.

Detailed Resume or Curriculum Vitae

This should include your educational background, professional qualifications, and work experience.

Proof of Professional Skills and Achievements

Depending on your category (academic, technical, or business), this could include academic degrees, publications, patents, awards, certificates, and employment references.

Proof of Points Calculation

Documents to support your points claim, such as degree certificates, salary slips, tax statements, work contracts, and evidence of professional achievements.

Financial Statements

Evidence of your financial ability to support yourself (and your family, if applicable) while in Japan.

Health Certificate

Some applications may require a health certificate, although this is not always mandatory.

Japanese Language Proficiency Documentation

If you're claiming points for Japanese language skills, you'll need to provide proof, such as a JLPT certificate.

Family Documents

If your family is accompanying you, you'll need their documents too, including marriage certificates for spouses and birth certificates for children.

Additional Documents

Depending on your specific situation or the discretion of the Japanese embassy or consulate, additional documents may be requested.

It's important to ensure that all documents are accurate, up-to-date, and complete. Missing or incomplete documentation can lead to delays in processing or even the rejection of the visa application.

Also, keep in mind that some documents may need to be translated into Japanese. Before submitting your application, it's advisable to check the latest requirements and guidelines provided by the Japanese embassy or consulate, or consult with an immigration professional for the most current information.


How do I  apply for a Highly Skilled Professional Visa for Japan?

Applying for a Highly Skilled Professional (HSP) Visa for Japan involves a multi-step process that requires careful preparation and attention to detail. Here is a general guideline on how to apply.

1. Assess Eligibility and Gather Information

Check Eligibility
Ensure you meet the criteria for the HSP Visa under one of the three categories: Advanced Academic Research, Advanced Specialized/Technical, or Advanced Business Management.

Calculate Points
Use the points-based system to calculate your score and ensure you meet the required threshold for your category.

2. Obtain the Certificate of Eligibility (COE)

Find a Sponsor in Japan
Typically, this would be your employer or an academic institution in Japan. They will apply for the COE on your behalf. If you haven’t secured a job in Japan yet, we can help you.

Submit Required Documents
Provide your sponsor with all necessary documents, including your resume, proof of qualifications, proof of professional skills, etc.

Sponsor Submits Application
Your sponsor will submit the application for the COE to the regional immigration office in Japan.

3. Prepare Your Visa Application

Gather Documents
Assemble all required documents, including your valid passport, completed visa application form, recent photograph, COE, and any additional supporting documents.

Stay Informed of Requirements
Double-check for any additional or specific requirements that may apply in your case.

4. Submit Your Visa Application

Apply at Japanese Embassy/Consulate
Once you receive the COE, apply for the HSP Visa at the nearest Japanese embassy or consulate in your country.

Attend Interview (if required)
In some cases, you may be required to attend an interview as part of the application process.

5. Receive Your Visa

Visa Issuance
If your application is successful, you will receive your HSP Visa, which allows you to enter Japan.

Double-Check Visa Details
Ensure all details on the visa are correct, such as your name, visa type, and validity period.

6. Arrival in Japan

Register at Local Municipality
After arriving in Japan, you're required to register at the local municipal office within a specified timeframe.

7. Additional Steps for Permanent Residency (if applicable)

Eligibility for Permanent Residency
HSP Visa holders may be eligible for an expedited pathway to permanent residency. Keep track of the requirements and timelines for this process.


  • Stay Updated: Immigration policies and procedures can change, so it's important to stay informed about the latest requirements.

  • Consider Professional Advice: An immigration lawyer or consultant can provide valuable assistance, especially in complex cases.

  • Accuracy and Completeness: Ensure all information provided in your application is accurate and that no required documents are missing.

This general outline provides a roadmap for the HSP Visa application process. Each step is crucial, and attention to detail can significantly influence the outcome of your application.


What is the duration of the Japan Highly Skilled Professional Visa?

The duration of the Japan Highly Skilled Professional (HSP) Visa varies depending on the category under which it is granted and the specific circumstances of the applicant. Generally, the HSP Visa offers more flexibility and a longer duration of stay compared to other types of work visas in Japan.

Here are the key points regarding its duration.

Initial Grant

The HSP Visa is initially granted for a period of up to 5 years. This is a significant benefit compared to standard work visas, which often have shorter initial durations.


The HSP Visa can be renewed, and the renewal period may also be for up to 5 years. The length of the renewal period depends on various factors, including the applicant's ongoing compliance with visa conditions, the nature of their work, and their contributions to their field.

Path to Permanent Residency

One of the most attractive features of the HSP Visa is the accelerated pathway to permanent residency it offers. Eligible candidates can apply for permanent residency in as little as one year after obtaining the HSP Visa, much faster than under other visa categories.

Case-by-Case Basis

The exact duration of the visa and the renewal terms are determined on a case-by-case basis by the Japanese immigration authorities. They consider the applicant’s qualifications, job situation, points scored under the HSP system, and other relevant factors.

Continuous Stay Requirement

To maintain the HSP Visa status and qualify for permanent residency, it's important for visa holders to continue meeting the eligibility criteria and to reside in Japan for the required periods without significant breaks.

The HSP Visa's longer duration and potential for renewal make it a highly sought-after option for skilled professionals seeking stability and a long-term career in Japan. It provides a solid foundation for those looking to establish themselves professionally and personally in Japan, with the added benefit of a quicker route to permanent residency.

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How long does it take to process an HSP Visa application?

The processing time for a Japan Highly Skilled Professional (HSP) Visa application can vary based on several factors, including the specific circumstances of the applicant, the workload of the Japanese immigration authorities, and the completeness and accuracy of the application submitted.

However, here is a general overview of the typical timelines involved.

Certificate of Eligibility (COE) Processing

The first step in applying for the HSP Visa is obtaining the COE from the Japanese Immigration Services. This process usually takes about 1 to 3 months. The exact time can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the volume of applications being processed by the immigration office.

Visa Application Processing

Once you have received your COE, the next step is to submit your visa application to the nearest Japanese embassy or consulate. The processing time for this stage generally ranges from a few days to a few weeks. In some cases, it could be quicker, especially if all the necessary documents are in order and the embassy/consulate has a lower workload.

Overall Timeline

Combining both steps, the total processing time from starting the COE application to receiving the HSP Visa can range from approximately 1.5 to 4 months. It's important to plan accordingly, especially if you have specific timelines for relocating to Japan.

Tips for Faster Processing

  • Complete and Accurate Application: Ensure that all the required documents are accurately filled out and submitted. Incomplete or incorrect applications can lead to delays.

  • Prepare Documents in Advance: Gather and prepare all the necessary documents before starting the application process to avoid delays.

  • Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated on any changes in the visa application process or requirements, as these can impact processing times.

  • Professional Assistance: Consider consulting with an immigration lawyer or agency that specializes in Japanese immigration. They can provide guidance and help streamline the application process.

It's important to remember that these are general guidelines and actual processing times can vary. Applicants should always check the most current information from the Japanese embassy or consulate and the Japanese Immigration Services.



Navigating the complexities of the Highly Skilled Professional (HSP) Visa for Japan reveals a pathway filled with unique opportunities for talented professionals across the globe. As we've explored, this visa category stands out for its points-based system, designed to attract individuals with exceptional skills and contributions in academic, technical, and business management fields. The HSP Visa not only offers an extended duration of stay and a smoother process for renewals but also paves an expedited route to permanent residency—a significant draw for those seeking long-term prospects in Japan.

As Japan continues to open its doors wider to global talent, the HSP Visa serves as a testament to the country's commitment to fostering a dynamic and diverse workforce. For those ready to embark on this journey, the HSP Visa offers not just a visa, but a gateway to a rich professional and personal experience in one of the world's most culturally and technologically advanced nations.

In conclusion, the Japan Highly Skilled Professional Visa stands as a beacon for skilled professionals worldwide, offering a unique blend of professional growth, cultural immersion, and an improved quality of life. With careful planning, accurate application, and a keen understanding of the requirements, this visa can be the key to unlocking a world of opportunities in Japan.

If you want to build your career in Japan, get in touch with Wahl+Case.



Please note that the Highly Skilled Professional (HSP) Visa Points Calculator provided on this website is intended as a helpful resource and guide for potential applicants. It is not a substitute for professional legal advice or an official assessment by Japanese immigration authorities. The calculator is designed to give you an estimate of your points based on the information you provide, but it does not guarantee eligibility or successful visa application outcomes.

We strive to keep the information and criteria used in the calculator up to date, but immigration policies and requirements can change. Therefore, we strongly recommend consulting the official website of the Immigration Services Agency of Japan or contacting a professional immigration lawyer for the most current information and personalized advice.

For the latest and most comprehensive information regarding the Highly Skilled Professional Visa, including detailed requirements, application procedures, and points calculation, please refer to the following sources:

Remember, the path to obtaining an HSP Visa is unique for each individual, and the official channels mentioned above will provide the most authoritative and updated guidance for your application process.